Our Solutions

We offer superior IT Solutions and Services!

What We Promise

We assure you that our reliable and efficient IT solutions are easily manageable and come with a guarantee of success. We take complete responsibility for establishing and overseeing the robust infrastructure or systems of your organization, freeing you up to concentrate fully on serving your valuable clients with peace of mind. If you have any specific technical needs or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated and experienced team will offer you a fully customized and scalable solution that precisely meets your unique requirements and demands.

What We Do

We assure you that our reliable IT solutions encompass the full spectrum of information technology, ranging from hosting to the provision of scalable virtual servers. Our comprehensive offerings include robust backup, disaster recovery, cloud computing, web communication, and security solutions. Our experienced and certified team provides expert IT consultancy, advanced network engineering, and other essential services, such as remote access, on-site support, proactive maintenance, and continuous customer support, to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and seamless operations.

Server Infrastructure

We specialize in delivering outstanding IT Solutions and Services!

Tower and Rack Servers solutions and services in Fort McMurray, Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Tower / Rack Servers

Get Server Systems with RAID technology using SATA, SAS, SSD hot swappable drives and get services online while ensuring redundancy and future service expansion.

Windows Server solutions and services in Fort McMurray, Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Windows Server

Get Windows Server and build an infrastructure of connected applications, networks, and web services. Keep your business infrastructure secure, available, and flexible.

VMware Virtualization solutions and services in Fort McMurray, Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


VMware Sphere

Get VMware vSphere and transform your data centers into virtualization platform with aggregated computing infrastructures that include CPU, storage, and networking resources.

Server Infrastructure

Traditional approach of installing and managing IT infrastructures for businesses has been through On-Premises data centers, where servers and networks are installed within a company's building. Although cloud computing may offer advantages for some companies, it may not always be the best fit for all. Factors such as budget constraints, regulatory requirements, security needs, and a cost-benefit analysis may determine that an On-Premise IT solution is the better option for a business.

Moussa Solutions boasts a solid track record in delivering, designing, installing, and maintaining On-Premise IT solutions of varying sizes, from small systems supporting 10 staff members to large enterprise solutions serving hundreds of employees.

Contact us if you are looking for this solution or service: Get started.

Server Infrastructure solutions and services in Fort McMurray, Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.